Canvas by Instructure

Canvas Premier 24/7 HELP:

Click on the HELP button in the lower left corner of your Canvas course. You can phone, email, and chat for assistance.

Canvas support is very responsive!

Course Management FAQs

  1. How do I request a cross-listed course to manage sections (aka META)?

    Crosslisting allows you to move section enrollments from individual courses and combine them into one course, e.g., one lecture with four lab sections OR three sections of same course that all use the same content. This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course and only want to manage course data and content in one location.
  2. How do I request a development course (aka Sandbox)?

  3. How do I change the appearance of my courses on the Dashboard?

  4. How do I unenroll from a self-enroll course?

  5. How to I set-up an Incomplete in Canvas?
    Please read the Handling Incompletes in Canvas information and submit a request.

  6. How do I add a TA or another Teacher to my Canvas Course?

  7. What are the roles and permissions for Canvas users?

  8.  Where can I find the Decision Log for the Canvas Approver's group?